Vicki’s story
A day in the life of … (watch the video)
I was born in Devon and now live in the Cotswolds. Two lovely places to live! I have a passion for the coast so we regularly head down to the Devonshire beaches in our VW campervan. We have a family of surfers!
Before starting university I spent a year travelling around the world. I loved understanding people from different cultures and having the freedom of arriving in a country, opening up a copy of the Lonely Planet and deciding where to go next.
When I returned to the UK I studied Graphic Design at the University of the West of England in Bristol for 3 years. When I graduated in 1999 I not only left with a degree but a 6 month old son.
My friends were having interviews and gaining full time jobs in the agency world whereas I wanted balance in my life, I didn’t want to be a full time mum but I was in need of a career. As flexible working hours for women didn’t exist in 1999 I decided to set up my own business with the help and support of my parents who also had their own businesses.
What I have learnt
Over the last 25 years I have built a business with a virtual team of collaborators. They include designers, web developers, photographers, marketing consultants and copywriters. I also have an accounts manager called Mary who keeps the business on track. I believe it’s important to bring the output of teamwork together with consistency and the branding processes and strategy I use does all of this.
I enjoy working with people who want to blend family life with work and I use processes to truly understand my clients at a deeper level. I help to grow my clients’ businesses through consistent branding so they have the freedom to fulfil their own dreams.
Now I want to give something back
Building a business isn’t easy. There are many ups and downs and it is also very rewarding. I don’t know what it’s like to work in an agency but from what I have heard I’m not sure it would have suited my personality. My values are Collaboration, Freedom, Happiness, Connection and Balance and this rings true to how I live and work.
Working with values and qualities is how I work with my clients and along with my design business I want to coach other women to help them thrive in their business by giving them confidence to reach their goals far quicker than I have on my journey.
Working with Vicki was such a positive, fruitful experience. She made the process smooth and so much easier for me and her calm confident approach made all the difference.
I would highly recommend her combination of creativity, ability to get alongside and understand her client, design and tech skills and organisation and delivery.... it's unusual to find them all together!
— Alyse Ashton, Eye 2 Eye Development