How’s your colour palette looking on your website?

Apparently it takes up to 2 seconds for site visitors to make a first impression when landing on your website.

That’s why it’s so important for the visual side of your website (whether it’s colours, fonts, images, video graphics or illustrations) to represent your brand and create the right impact so your ideal client hangs around a little longer, hooks them in and they start to read!

Colour schemes are key for great website design and for site visitors’ experience so they can navigate. Hopefully, when your logo was designed you had a set of branding colours presented to you which can be rolled out into your website. If not, choose a colour scheme that are representative of your business and your values. This can help your site stand out to visitors, letting you connect with them.

It’s important to have your colour palette applied consistently to different sections, buttons, backgrounds, bodies of text, and more across your website. This consistency in colour usage will look professional and help your user to navigate your site better without confusion.

And, allow your site to breathe - I’m talking about white space; space without any images, text or graphics which contributes to a site’s overall design and increase readability.

Every website needs some white space to properly space out its content and be less cluttered. Less is more!

If you need more ideas for a colour palette generator take a look at

If you’re miles away from a website facelift and need a brand refresh first. Checkout my ‘3 steps to refresh your brand’

Colour palettes and pantone colours for websites
Colour palettes and pantone colours for websites

How do you stay authentic on LinkedIn when bold, bright colours capture your attention!


Enhancing the landscape of website design